My first craft show application…….

My first craft show application. I am scared out of my mind. It is a juried show in DC, so not everyone who applies will be accepted. It is nerve racking to put your work and yourself out there to be judged. However, as an entrepreneur, I guess I should expect that. I want to take my jewelry and business to the next level and craft shows are the path to do that. It’s been a tough road. Last year I had to put my business on hold to deal with some serious health issues, and while I still sold some pieces, my plans to participate in markets and craft fairs were derailed. It was a depressing time and I questioned my skills, my products, and whether I should be doing this at all. But I stayed determined, focused on getting better, and am back in full swing- even if my Etsy account doesn’t show it. No matter what happens I am proud of myself for applying and will continue to do so for other craft fairs.
Cadence Archer on Instagram

Working on #craftybastard show application. Wish me #luck #firsttimer #crafty #craftfair #craftshow #market #handmadeinDC #100wordsorless


AWADJ- is that you too?

An “Artist with A Day Job.” That’s me. Working a day gig and creating Cadence Archer™ jewelry by night. #AWADJ

Packaging Experiment

Trying something new. I recently got some some cord, sticker samples, bought washi tape, and got sample earring and necklace cards. Can’t wait to try out different combinations for finishing my packaging. The real bonus purchase was the washi tape. This awesome Japanese masking tape comes is a multitude of colours & patterns that will match almost anything. Too. Many. Colours. To. Play. With. *mindblown*




Woman Down! Crutches and a Cast

So I recently suffered a broken foot and it’s been a real bummer.  I’m on crutches and with a lovely drab cast and I can’t walk for weeks. Being immobile is really frustrating and brought new meaning to the word “dependent.” But most disappointing is that I’ve had to close my Etsy store for a little while, as I won’t be able to get orders out for a bit.  I love making jewelry and having a creative outlet keeps me sane. So on a positive note, I’m using the time to write more on this blog, brainstorm products, get samples, try out new packaging, and most importantly……..HEAL.    So like the Facebook page, follow me on instagram and twitter, subscribe to the blog, and stay tuned for all the latest.
